What is the right age for my child to begin piano or voice lessons?
Piano: Most children are ready to begin piano lessons by the age of seven. In order to get the most out of piano study, students should be comfortable with reading, staying focused for half an hour at a time, and using discipline with regular practice at home.
Voice: While the voice will still be changing well into adulthood, many students are able to thrive in voice lessons as early as age eight. The older the student, the deeper the technique and expressive work is, and the more complex the material will be. Strong reading skills and ability to concentrate are a must for younger voice students.
Do you teach adults?
Yes! Singers of all ages and levels have worked in the studio, as well as adult beginning pianists. From Broadway veterans preparing audition material to “shower-singers” interested in learning how to use their voices, to empty-nesters who’ve always wanted to learn Bach, each session is geared to the individual in an environment that is safe, nurturing, and fun.
May I sit in on my child’s lessons?
Parents are welcome to sit in on the first lesson, if you feel your child is nervous and needs the support, or if you are curious about the teacher and studio environment. However, in subsequent lessons, students tend to respond more effectively to instruction when parents are not present. In order to build the relationship between teacher and student, to keep the student focused, and to nurture the student’s initiative, parents are encouraged to drop children off rather than sit in.
Should I arrive early/drop my child off early for lessons?
There is an enclosed porch that serves as the “waiting room” for the studio. It’s fine to enter the porch prior to the student’s lesson time. No need to ring the bell – students will be invited in at the appropriate lesson time.
What should I bring to the first lesson?
Piano: A piano student should bring a pencil to every lesson, including the first. Books will be given at the first lesson and should be brought to each lesson thereafter.
Voice: Voice students should bring a pencil, a digital recorder (the iPhone Voice Memos app is great for this), and, if you have one, a song you’re interested in singing. We will choose material at lessons but it is helpful to have a song with which the student is familiar to sing through at the first lesson. For subsequent lessons, voice students should prepare a three-ring binder to hold all music and bring that.
Can I pay by the lesson? What is the payment schedule?
In order to encourage students’ commitment and secure their time slots, tuition is paid monthly. At the first lesson, tuition for the remainder of that month is due. Afterward, students will receive an invoice in the mail by the third week of the month prior, with payment due on the 25th. However, lessons can be booked “a la carte” for off-peak hours (weekdays before 2pm), or on an individual basis when there are openings due to cancellations in the regular schedule. More detailed payment information is available on the policies page.
What if I need to miss a lesson? Can I do a makeup? Can I get a refund?
Once tuition is paid, there are no refunds. Students are responsible for all lessons in a month. There is a 24-hour lesson cancellation policy. If notice is given at least 24 hours in advance, a makeup lesson can be scheduled. With less than 24 hours’ notice, the lesson is forfeited. More detailed cancelation information is available on the policies page.